QualityAssureX: Your Trusted Partner in IT Training

QualityAssureX offers comprehensive IT training courses for Scrum Master, Business Analyst and QA Automation. Our expert instructors provide practical and hands-on learning to prepare you for a successful career in the IT industry.

Fortune 500 companies are hiring our students:


394 Ratings


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What Our Recent Graduates Say


QualityAssureX provided me with the practical knowledge and hands-on experience I needed to succeed as a QA Engineer. The instructors were top-notch, and the curriculum was comprehensive and relevant to the IT industry.

Our courses

Features & Benefits



QA, BA, Scrum Master course in NYC. PA, CT, Buffalo

Our Founders

Discover the QualityAssureX founders Behind Our Success

Mohammad Shahin

Founder & CEO

Shahin is the driving force behind QualityAssureX. He has a decade of experience in the IT industry, and he is passionate about sharing his knowledge with those who want to pursue a career in technology. He loves playing chess and reading books.

Rizvi Hoque

QA Instructor & Co-Founder

Rizvi has years of experience in teaching and educating students in the field of IT. His passion for teaching and sharing knowledge with the students is unmatchable. He loves playing Basketball, traveling and exploring new cultures.

Client Testimonials

Hear What Our Clients Have to Say About Us

Shifat's QA Automation course was a game-change for my career. His expertise and hands on approach made learning complex concepts effortless! Lab sessions during weekend and constant communication from the instructors made me very confident during interviews!
Priya Hasan
QualityAssureX's IT training courses are head and shoulders above the competition. The instructors are experts in their fields, and the curriculum is comprehensive and practical. I highly recommend QualityAssureX to anyone looking to launch or advance their career in the IT industry.
Ryan Walker
Carol's Scrum Master course was exceptional. Her engaging teaching style and emphasis on real-world scenarios gave me the confidence to excel in Agile leadership. The weekend sessions, mock interviews were extremely helpful as well. Thanks Carol!
Claudia Paola
I took the Business Analyst course with QA-X (Shahin), very down to earth people, always available to assist whenever I needed help. Got a job offer within the first month, they also helped me look for my second job as well! Thanks Shahin and team!

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